Rhizomatic Repair
(2023)Multi-layered, multi-part happening
above : garments made with recycled fabrics by J.RAT
above : squash plant in bloom, sprouted from Rhizomatic Repair I compost
above : squash & sunflower sprouted from Rhizomatic Repair I compost
above : exerpt from Isochornal Confirmations by Laura Sullivan Cassidy
Rhizomatic Repair is an emergent participatory ecological and intrapersonal engagement with mending. Practical knowledge sharing gives way to group writing praxis, the results of which literally feed worm communities, merging our byproducts with their own, creating compost to sprout toxin remediating botanicals and plants who will become the paper for future iterations of the practice.
literal, tactical, practical repair and transmutation
interpersonal and intrapersonal re-memberance of collective body
remediation of inner and outer landscape
This work is on-going and iterative.
Come To The Next Happening ︎︎︎
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